Wednesday, June 29, 2011

 My husband came in from working on my brothers house next door and declared, "man it's a perfect day to build a deck! The weather is perfect!" Looking outside, seeing the blue sky and fluffy white clouds, I decided the pool was calling my name. Quandary.....I really needed to get these dresses finished and in the stores before the 4th of July weekend....(light bulb) Set up a studio outside! So I took buttons, dresses, vintage ephemera, and old hymnbook (all phrases on the dressess are snipped from old humn books) beads, wire, little ceramic flowers, tools....etc... oh and table and charis and voila! A sunny, poolside studio! Today I got a tan and finished all the dresses!

I decided to try the sunlight at 8:30 p.m. for the photos....Check them out at my Etsy site
Today I got a tan and all of my dresses finished!
Now go find something creative to do! Even if it is being creative today at your place of work....Send a smiley face on a piece of paper to someone...they will love you for it!
Hugs, Michelle

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Meeting a Friend

There is a connection to my art work. Each piece that is created holds a little bit of my heart. I almost feel as though it's fired right in the many glazes that put color in each pressed crevice of the old relics used to make each impression.

This week I sold my Sea Star and Pebble posy Pocket and one of my Ruffle Bowls. They are flying all the way to Norway! But that isn't the exciting part....The exciting part how the handmade can connect two separate souls. I am happy when I create...I want to pass that happiness on in each bowl...each posy pocket...each pair of earrings... whatever it may be. I felt the wet clay, rolled it, pressed beauty into it; waited for it to dry; carried it to the kiln for the first firing and felt it warm out of the kiln in my hands. I chose the glazes and layered them on, excited for the next opening of the kiln. It really is like Christmas every time I open that kiln after the last firing... I can't wait! Again, I remove it feeling the warmth and seeing the color and nuance I carry it to my garden and take pictures of it. I go through each picture and just stare at the puddles of color. I post it on Etsy. Someone buys it. It is time for someone else to feel the warmth. To experience the joy.

I want you to read the words from Kristin, This is what a sale is all about. She touched my heart.

"About the everyday-life posy, it's ok she's gonna go to another home:). She's the one that first wow'ed me, and made me find your site. She's a capture of gazes! But then i noticed her little sister:) They are both so very beautiful, but the reason why i picked little sister over everyday posy, is that she has some kind of shyness, and still she is a real little beauty (personifying a little bit here, I know;-) Imagine the adventure she's gonna have, traveling overseas:-) I'll be here, welcoming her! I'm sure the Norwegian flowers will suit her! Really happy about choosing her!"

'nuff said. My little girls are off on an adventure... dressed in their very best.


Monday, June 13, 2011

No complaints.

Saturday should have been spent lounging by the pool but way too much "put off" time has made it impossible to leave the studio today. But.... No complaints! I glazed enough bisque for two full kiln loads and designed some new tumblers for my next show. Everything came out of the kiln Sunday afternoon and turned out beautifully! (I'll post a few pictures below.) Today (Monday) was spent getting some supplies and putting together some of my Hanging Posies to get on Etsy and into Matsons (One of the stores that sells my pottery) They turned out so nice! I think it takes me twice as long to put them together because I have to turn each one around in my hands and look at how the glaze and colors flow together. I just love these delicious little beauties! (Pictures coming tomorrow!)

But enough about work....

Most Mondays I bake my favorite oatmeal muffin recipe to eat each morning of the week. At night, sometimes I sit and think about eating it the next day with my coffee! I can't wait for breakfast. Although most days that doesn't motivate me to get up any earlier. This morning was a perfect morning to eat it out on the deck. Warm from the oven with strawberries and vanilla yogurt smothering this healthy, wonderful treat I trotted outside with all 4 animals following. With Addie at my feet, Oscar in the wicker chair across from me, Trixie on the deck below by the pool and Alice on the deck railing; I sat there and marveled at the fact that I had the privilege to sit in the sun and enjoy this perfect scene. I spoke out loud to The One Who Always Listens. I thanked Him. It's been a long time since I truly enjoyed the morning. I knew my next step would be into my favorite place to work and create things that make me smile. And today I get to open my kiln....Christmas morning every time!

xo ~Michelle

Friday, June 10, 2011

There were two things I loved to do as a kid. Play "long journey" and make stuff. Long journey was the least favorite past time of my sister and the other neighborhood girls and because Dana had the only wagon on the street, I had to convince her to play. She usually did. So Carrie (my sister), Dana, Mary and I would go and pack our little suitcases with doll clothes and dishes, load the wagon with blankets and head out to set up camp underneath the trees up and down our little dead end street. We would take care of our children, which usually entailed changing their clothes and fixing them pretend dinner. We would take a little nap and pack up the little red wagon and take off to the next tree. Even then, I loved taking care of my family and traveling to distant places. Even if it means really not going very far from home.

My mom was always making something. I would watch her take a piece of bread, remove the crust, add a little Elmers glue and make that little ball of dough into a beautiful rose. One time she brought home wire and this really cool liquid stuff in a metal jar. She bent the wires into petals and dipped them in the colorful liquid. The liquid made a film. She made more flowers. She used to draw pictures, bake cakes, sew dresses, color in color books, crochet, make posters for church events, write songs.... I could go on and on. She never had a room of her own to create in, the kitchen table was her spot. If she was sewing, it was the T.V. room.

I must have been watching her. I didn't know it then. I thought she was just being mom and I was just being a kid in her house. But I am sure that is when my desire-to-create seed was planted.

Isn't it amazing how play becomes life and seeds planted by moms long ago become desired careers. I am not living a dream, I am living life. Living life right now the way I always wanted to.. Too bad I don't always see it that way. I think it is time I did.

Peace and hugs to anyone out there who is listening. Right now I know I am speaking to the air, maybe someday I will inspire someone on their long journey of life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pleeeaaaase throw the ball!!

Today I was laying by the pool and I realized how much I missed that big, chocolate boy "snuggling" up beside me on the towel. Oh how it used to annoy me to have a dog thinking he needed to be with me in the blazing sun, when he had a perfectly wonderful shady porch just a few steps away, but his place was always beside me. 

Seven days ago Addie again summoned me out of my studio to the front door in her usual way, she hammered her large jingle bell against the door! About every 1/2 hour or so she decides it's time to play. As usual, I make my way to the door. As as Addie jumps on my leg, I call to Higgins, "go get your toy buddy!" He  hoists his large 140lb self up and wagging his tail, lumbers over to find his favorite toy. The three of us go outside. As Addie (our LhasaPoo) does laps around the yard, Higgins barks loudly until I finally heave a toy for him....He shouldn't be running after a toy....but he just keeps barking, "pleeeease throw it!"  So, as usual, I do. 

Three years ago Higgins lost good use of his right leg. It has been growing horrible arthritis ever since. His hips are bad and he works hard for every step... but he won't stop running after his toys. He loves playtime! I probably should have taken it from him, but I couldn't. So play time took something from an instant it was over. A quick yelp, and I knew the inevitable had happened, his only decent back leg could no longer hold him. It would not be holding him again. Decisions were made. Why had I thrown that silly ball?!

But playtime had given him so much! Any one who knew Higgins knew that he was the loudest if you had a toy in your hand. His bark didn't let up until that toy left your hand and took flight, his body quivering the entire time in anticipation. It was no different that day....Thanks buddy for never giving up playtime, for holding me accountable to spend time with you. You were well loved and you loved us well. Thanks for 10 years of big, furry love!
I am having so much fun designing these ruffly frocks! I think I am going to call them "Muddy Ruffles" but that is still up for change if a better name pops into my head. Today has felt like a wasted morning. I am NOT computer savoy and it has taken me all morning to figure out how to post the slide show that appears SOMEWHERE on this blog. Ready to throw the computer but will refrain. This has to get better.

I have a table full of bisque to be stained. Better get to it! Maybe I will be more creative with my words tomorrow!
Peace and Hugs,